Well, here we go into our second week of isolation, only another predicted 12-14 to go!
I think last week was a little trial really, with homeschooling, working from home, and for some a house full of family members.
As the weeks go on I’m sure it will all get easier, we’ll get into a routine, become more patient and tolerant...and above all get super fit and with all our ‘pandemic projects’ done.
So This Is What We, At Casa Sant Elia Are Trying To Do.
It would be so easy to stay in bed a little longer, whether or not you have children.
And, so easy to become a couch potato, with all those box sets you want to watch!
Having a daily routine can help us feel far more in control and able to cope with the change we are going through right now.
Getting dressed into ‘real’ clothes, not only changes our mindset, but also the tone for the day ahead.
Have a set time when you exercise, exercise makes everything feel better. As those endorphins start to flow, your head becomes clearer, and your energy levels start to rise. Take advantage of this time to get really fit.
Whether that’s in the garden, on a balcony or just standing in front of an open window.
OK, they may sound trivial, but they could be things you've been meaning to do for ages.
Sorting out the children’s toys, cleaning out kitchen and bathroom cupboards, all those ‘I’ll do tomorrow jobs’
Make a list of what you’d like to achieve, and tick off as you go.
It will totally consume you, and this in turn will lead to increased anxiety. Think of this isolation as a productive time, and make it so.
“So looking forward to having time to read that book”
Go on then, the time is now, why not form a small book club group with family and friends.
With food not as readily available for many of us, meal planning is essential.
A week of planned nutritious meals takes away the stress of last minute cooking, or rushing for takeaways.
If everything is feeling ‘just too much’, try to escape to another room, just for ten minutes.
It doesn't have to be a big space, just somewhere where you can sit quietly, close your eyes, control your breathing and visualise your body relaxing. Ten minutes isn’t very long, but it’s long enough to calm your body and mind.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it often takes great strength to actually ‘ask’
Technology and social media at times like this is amazing, there are so many groups out there offering help...if you’re struggling, reach out.
Irené Avis
Irené Avis